Monday, 2 March 2009

8h Training

Finally, I did 8h of training last week. It is a great feeling to finally get the training more or less right again. Due to loose chippings I am still not going out for a bike ride, so 8h is a nice time for me. Well, still nothing to those who do up to 15h or those insane guys with up to 30h.
It is a good start for the marathon I signed on. I am running in Fürth again and going for it!
I still have trouble organising the training right since my swim training is on Tuesday and Thursday. Monday would be much better. Furthermore, on Sunday I do not have enough time to do my long runs. To be honest I get out of bed to late and the afternoon is already packed with dancing lessons and a cup of coffee ;).
Well time management is also a quality you learn if you start making your training plans. There is always something bringing the plan into disorder and it always is a challenge to get it back into balance.

Sunday, 1 March 2009


Looking through my photos I found this picture of me and Klagenfurt in the background. It was a lovely ride through the countryside of Carinthia. I saw this nice road going uphill and it seem to go on for ever. But the reward was worth it. It was this view on a beautiful autumn day.
Going uphill was quite hard but being such a chicken I found it harder to get down again ;). Well I kind of got the hang of it and what seemed ages to get up the hill was taking me about 5min to get down and two sets of breaks. Funny thing is that Klagenfurt seems to be at hands reach but from Klagenfurt the tip of the mountain seems to be miles away.

I can not wait to get up there again.